The common man is worrying as all passenger trains including mail/express, premium, has been suspended amid coronavirus outbreak in the country after Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday night imposed a nation-wide 21-day lockdown. Earlier trains were suspended till March 31 but after Modi's announcement, Indian Railway services have been deferred till April 14. COVID 19 confirmed cases toll in India have surged to 536 while 11 fatalities have been reported so far. Addressing the nation on Tuesday night, PM Modi appealed to the citizens that if India has to control the spread of coronavirus then everyone has to take lockdown seriously and strictly adding that it is the only way the country can avoid a massive crisis. Announcing a 21-day pan-India lockdown, the prime minister said if this lockdown is not followed strictly then it will push back the country for 21 years.
from IndiaTV India: Google News Feed