Uttar Pradesh police have arrested 17 women, others involved in the brutal attack on health officials including doctors, police personnel in Moradabad who had gone for the check-up of coronavirus suspects in the district. An FIR under IPC sections 90/20,147, 148, 149, 188, 269, 270, 332, 336, 353, 307, 427, 504, 506 others has been registered and an investigation is underway. The incident took on April 15, when a team of health officials and cops had visited Moradabad's Nawabpura area that falls under Nagfani police station to test family members of a person who died after getting infected with coronavirus on April 13 and take them under quarantine facility, so that virus doesn't spread further in that area.
from IndiaTV India: Google News Feed https://ift.tt/2wIs19P