Amid the nationwide coronavirus lockdown, people are stepping out of their houses only for essentials. Similarly, a mother in Uttar Pradesh's Ghaziabad sent her son to buy groceries but returned home with a bride. Man's secret wedding left his mother in shock as she barred him from entering the house when he brought his newly-wed bride home.
उतरप्रदेश के ग़ाज़ियाबाद में युवक घर से निकला सब्जी लेने पर घर वापसी में ले आया दुल्हन,— Corona Warrior News24 India (@news24tvchannel) April 30, 2020
माँ ने शादी को मानने से किया इंकार, अनाेखी शादी का ये मामला पहुचा पुलिस थाना में । #ExtendLockdown #ThursdayThoughts
from IndiaTV India: Google News Feed