Prime Minister Narendra Modi hit out at Congress and Rahul Gandhi in his replies to the Motions of Thanks, both in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. While in the Lok Sabha, on Tuesday, the opposition MPs continuously shouted slogans during his 135-minute long reply, they staged a walkout  in the Rajya Sabha while Modi was replying. In the Lok Sabha, the Congress and other opposition parties tried to their best to stop Modi from speaking, but the Prime Minister went on with his speech amidst the din created by slogan shouting members. Modi said, after the last month’s general elections, the Congress will be termed as a ‘parasite’, because it won only 99 seats in Lok Sabha with the help of vote share of its allies. The 2024 elections, he said, marked the third consecutive defeat of Congress in Lok Sabha elections, and it  failed to breach the 100 mark. Instead of taking lessons from the election results, Modi said, “Congress is trying to tell the people that they have defeated us. This is just like pacifying a child who failed in his exam”.  The Prime Minister remarked that the government would not tolerate any more  “dramas” and the “opposition and its eco-system will be replied in their own language”. 

from IndiaTV India: Google News Feed https://ift.tt/zW96GSq
