Maharashtra: Liquor worth Rs 76,000 seized from four trucks on May 17, 2020 India news Indian Made Foreign Liquor (IMFL) Indilivenews liquor Maharashtra +
Two die after consuming alcohol-based chemicals due to unavailability of liquor on May 05, 2020 India news Indilivenews liquor +
Lockdown 3.0: Shops selling non-essential goods, including liquor to open in Pune from today on May 04, 2020 India news Indilivenews liquor Lockdown 3.0 non-essential goods Shops +
Lockdown: Liquor traders in Goa fear shortage of stocks on May 02, 2020 COVID-19 India news Indilivenews liquor shortage of stocks +
Gujarat: Two held for carrying liquor bottles in vehicle on February 22, 2020 Gujarat India news Indilivenews liquor +